Synergy through The Third Entity: A Powerful Coaching Technique

The Third Entity: Elevate Coaching with this Transformative Technique. Dive into our latest blog post to explore the dynamic coaching technique known as The Third Entity. Discover how this approach taps into the collective wisdom of individuals and teams, fostering collaboration, deep insights, and effective problem-solving. Uncover the game-changing questions and positions that unlock transformative change. Elevate your coaching practice with The Third Entity and unleash the potential for growth and success.

Josh Ether

10/7/20222 min read

In the world of coaching, there are numerous techniques and exercises designed to facilitate growth, understanding, and collaboration. One such technique that has gained significant recognition is The Third Entity, a powerful coaching approach developed by the Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) model. In this article, we will delve into The Third Entity, exploring its purpose, methodology, and the questions it encompasses. By understanding and applying this technique, coaches can unlock deep insights, foster effective communication, and facilitate transformative change within individuals and teams.

What is The Third Entity? The Third Entity is a coaching technique that focuses on exploring and harnessing the collective intelligence and dynamics within a system, rather than solely focusing on individual perspectives. It is based on the premise that the interaction between two people (Position 1 and Position 2) creates a unique third entity with its own thoughts, emotions, and needs. By tapping into this third entity, coaches can unearth valuable insights, enhance collaboration, and address systemic challenges more effectively.

Position 1 and Position 2: In The Third Entity exercise, participants take on the roles of Position 1 and Position 2. Position 1 represents one person or entity within the system, while Position 2 represents another person or entity. These positions can represent individuals, teams, departments, or any other relevant entities within the system.

Questions for Position 1 and Position 2:

  1. What do you feel?

  2. What do you want?

By asking these questions, coaches encourage individuals or entities to reflect on their emotions and desires, promoting self-awareness and clarity. This exploration helps uncover underlying needs and motivations, laying the foundation for effective communication and collaboration.

Position 3: Position 3 represents an observer or facilitator who takes a step back to observe the interaction between Position 1 and Position 2. This role offers a unique perspective and deeper insights into the dynamics at play within the system.

Questions for Position 3:

  1. What does it feel like to watch Position 1 and Position 2?

  2. What do you know that they might not?

  3. What do you need from them?

Through these questions, Position 3 gains a deeper understanding of the interactions and dynamics between Position 1 and Position 2. This role has the opportunity to provide valuable insights, identify patterns, and bridge any gaps in understanding. Position 3 also communicates their needs, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment within the system.

Position 4: Position 4 represents the collective wisdom and integration of insights gained from the exercise. It is the space for synthesis and action planning based on the learnings.

Questions for Position 4:

  1. What have you learned?

  2. What is one action step you will take based on what you have learned?

Position 4 allows individuals and entities to consolidate their insights, extract key learnings, and create actionable steps to address challenges or enhance their dynamics moving forward. It provides a space for growth, accountability, and intentional change within the system.

The Third Entity coaching technique offers a transformative approach to understanding and addressing systemic dynamics within a team, organization, or any relational system. By engaging in the perspectives of Position 1, Position 2, Position 3, and Position 4, coaches can facilitate deeper self-awareness, effective communication, and collaborative problem-solving. The Third Entity unlocks the power of collective intelligence, fostering synergy, and driving positive change. Embracing this technique empowers coaches to guide individuals and teams towards greater alignment, growth, and success.