How Can I Help?

Blog post description.

Josh Ether

1/5/20172 min read

a crowd of people standing in a crowd of people
a crowd of people standing in a crowd of people

Asking others the impactful question, "How can I help?" can greatly aid in finding, clarifying, and ultimately knowing your purpose. Here are some examples:

  1. Seeking Input: By asking others how you can help, you invite them to share their perspectives, needs, and challenges. This input can provide valuable insights and help you understand the areas where you can make a meaningful impact. For example, if you are planning a session or workshop, asking participants how you can help them achieve their goals will allow you to tailor the content and activities to their specific needs.

  2. Identifying Strengths: When you ask others how you can help, you gain a better understanding of your own strengths and abilities. Their responses can highlight areas where your skills, knowledge, or resources can be of value. For instance, if someone mentions needing assistance with technology, and you are tech-savvy, you can offer your expertise to support them in that aspect.

  3. Building Relationships: Asking others how you can help fosters open communication and collaboration. It shows that you genuinely care about their well-being and success. By actively listening to their needs, you can establish stronger relationships based on trust and mutual support. This can lead to meaningful connections and potential collaborations that align with your purpose.

  4. Creating a Shared Purpose: When you ask others how you can help, it opens up opportunities for co-creation and shared purpose. Their responses can guide you in aligning your goals and objectives with the needs and aspirations of the group. By actively involving others in defining the purpose, you create a sense of ownership and commitment, fostering a collective journey towards a common goal.

To ensure clarity and effectiveness in achieving your purpose, it is important to define the goals and objectives of the session, identify the desired outcomes and outputs, and establish a way to measure success. Here are some considerations:

  • Goals and Objectives: Clearly define what you aim to accomplish through the session. For example, the goal could be to enhance team collaboration and problem-solving skills, and the objectives could be to improve communication, foster creative thinking, and strengthen conflict resolution abilities.

  • Desired Outcomes and Outputs: Determine the specific outcomes and outputs you expect from the session. This could include tangible results like a completed project plan, as well as intangible outcomes like improved teamwork dynamics or increased participant engagement.

  • Measurement of Success: Develop criteria or metrics to assess the success of the session. This could be done through participant feedback surveys, observation of behavior changes, or tracking the completion of deliverables. By measuring success, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your efforts and make adjustments if needed.

By aligning your purpose with the needs and expectations of others, and having clear goals, outcomes, and measurement criteria, you can create impactful sessions that resonate with your group and lead to meaningful results.