5-Minute Grounding Session: Saving Time, Effort, and Energy in Meetings

Taking just five minutes to begin a meeting with a grounding session can have profound effects on the overall dynamics and outcomes. By establishing presence, enhancing clarity, promoting collaboration, mitigating conflict, and energizing engagement, this simple practice can save you significant time, effort, and energy in the long run. So, the next time you convene a meeting, consider incorporating a grounding session, and experience the transformative power it brings to your team's productivity and success.

Josh Ether

2/3/20232 min read

We've all been in meetings that feel disorganized, unfocused, and draining. But what if I told you that investing just five minutes in a grounding session at the start of a meeting could completely transform the dynamics and outcomes? In this blog post, we'll explore the remarkable benefits of incorporating a brief grounding session into your meetings, and how it can save you time, effort, and energy in the long run.

Establishes Presence and Focus:

Starting off a meeting with a 5-minute grounding session allows participants to shift their attention from external distractions to the present moment. By taking a few moments to center ourselves, we create a collective sense of presence and focus. This intentional pause sets the stage for a more productive and engaged meeting, reducing the time wasted on scattered thoughts and unrelated discussions.

Enhances Clarity and Decision-Making:

When we are grounded and present, our minds are clearer and more receptive to new ideas and information. By providing a brief opportunity to let go of outside concerns and settle into the meeting space, a grounding session helps participants access their cognitive capacities more effectively. This heightened clarity leads to better decision-making, problem-solving, and idea generation, ultimately saving time and effort spent on revisiting issues or making hasty, ill-informed choices.

Promotes Active Listening and Collaboration:

In a fast-paced world, it's easy to slip into a mode of passive listening or distracted engagement during meetings. However, a grounding session can reignite active listening and foster a collaborative environment. By encouraging participants to be fully present and engaged, the session creates space for meaningful dialogue, respectful exchanges, and shared understanding. The result? Fewer miscommunications, reduced need for follow-up discussions, and increased efficiency.

Mitigates Conflict and Improves Relationships:

Misunderstandings and conflicts often arise due to misinterpretations or lack of empathy. By starting a meeting with a grounding session, we cultivate a sense of empathy and connection among participants. This shared grounding experience promotes a more compassionate and supportive atmosphere, reducing the potential for conflicts and misunderstandings. By addressing underlying tensions at the outset, we save valuable time and energy that would otherwise be spent on conflict resolution.

Energizes and Sustains Engagement:

Meetings that lack energy and enthusiasm can quickly become draining for everyone involved. A grounding session can inject a renewed sense of energy and purpose into the meeting. By encouraging participants to connect with their own intentions and the collective goals of the gathering, the session reignites motivation and sustains engagement throughout. This revitalized energy saves time by keeping the momentum going, eliminating the need for constant re-engagement or re-energizing efforts.