3 Essential Questions Every Leader Should Ask Themselves

As a leader, continuous self-reflection is vital for personal growth and effective leadership. By asking yourself these three essential questions - Is my behavior reasonably consistent? What would I observe if I watched myself? What do I want people to observe when they see me interact with others? - you can gain valuable insights into your leadership style, make positive changes, and build stronger relationships with your team. Embrace self-awareness, strive for consistency, and lead by example to create a positive and empowering environment that nurtures the growth and success of your team.

Josh Ether

1/7/20222 min read

Leadership is a complex and dynamic role that requires self-reflection and continuous growth. As a leader, it's important to regularly assess your behaviors and the impact they have on others. In this blog post, we will explore three vital questions that every leader should ask themselves. By honestly reflecting on these questions, leaders can gain valuable insights and make positive changes that contribute to their effectiveness and the growth of their teams.

  1. Is my behavior reasonably consistent?

    Consistency is a cornerstone of effective leadership. It breeds trust, stability, and predictability within your team. By asking yourself if your behavior is reasonably consistent, you are evaluating whether your actions align with your values and leadership principles. Inconsistent behavior can create confusion and erode trust among your team members.

Consider reflecting on the following:

  • Do I approach situations and make decisions in a consistent manner?

  • Am I reliable and dependable in meeting my commitments?

  • Do I treat all team members fairly and consistently?

By striving for consistency, you can foster a sense of trust and dependability within your team, allowing them to feel secure and motivated to perform at their best.

  1. What would I observe if I watched myself?

    Self-awareness is a vital trait for any leader. By asking yourself what you would observe if you watched yourself, you are gaining insight into how your behaviors, words, and body language impact others. This question prompts you to take a step back and objectively evaluate your leadership style.

Consider reflecting on the following:

  • How do I communicate with my team members? Do I actively listen and engage in meaningful conversations?

  • How do I handle conflicts or challenging situations? Am I approachable and open-minded?

  • How do I express emotions and handle stress? Am I calm and composed or reactive and agitated?

By observing your own behavior, you can identify areas for improvement and refine your leadership approach to create a positive and supportive environment for your team.

  1. What do I want people to observe when they see me interact with others?

    As a leader, your actions serve as a model for your team. The way you interact with others sets the tone for the team's culture and influences their behaviors and attitudes. By asking yourself what you want people to observe when they see you interact with others, you are shaping your leadership identity and defining the values and behaviors you want to promote within your team.

Consider reflecting on the following:

  • Do I demonstrate respect and empathy when interacting with team members?

  • Am I inclusive and open to diverse perspectives and ideas?

  • Do I inspire and motivate others through my actions and words?

By striving to exhibit positive qualities and behaviors, you can inspire your team to emulate those characteristics, fostering a supportive and high-performing culture.